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Nephrology Fellow Training Program

The clinical training experience of the nephrology fellowship program at National Cheng-Kung University is designed to provide outstanding practical and academic training in every aspect of nephrology and prepares fellows for a productive career afterwards.

  • Principal Goals:

  1. Generate and prioritize differential diagnosis
  2. Develop an evidence-based therapeutic and diagnostic management
  3. Counsel and educate patients and family members about kidney disease
  4. Perform procedures (urine microscopy, temporary catheters placement, renal biopsy) required by the TSN (Taiwan Society of Nephrology)
  5. Develop a knowledge of renal pathophysiology and renal radiology
  6. Expand clinically applicable knowledge base of basic and clinical nephrology sciences
  7. Communicate effectively with patients, their families, physician colleagues at all levels and all non-physician members of the health care team to assure comprehensive and timely care of patients with all forms of kidney disease
  • Specific Program Content

The fellow is expected to get familiar to wide variety of renal diseases. The specific entities are detailed below:
  1. Renal function tests (Lab and imaging)
  2. Acute renal failure/acute kidney injury
  3. Chronic kidney disease
  4. Renal replacement therapy
  5. Kidney transplantation
  6. Glomerular diseases
  7. Diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy
  8. Cystic and inherited diseases of the kidney
  9. Tubulointerstitial disease
  10. Acid-base disorders
  11. Fluid and electrolyte disorders
  12. Disorders of mineral and bone metabolism
  13. Urinary tract infection
  14. Intensive care nephrology
  15. Renal disease in pregnancy
  16. Pharmacology of drugs in renal disease
  17. Research design, methods. and responsible conduct
  • 1st Year of Fellowship

  1. Elicit the patient's history, past history, and the context in which the illness or symptoms occur
  2. Perform appropriate and correct physical examination
  3. Synthesize pertinent renal data into differential diagnosis
  4. Generate an appropriate differential diagnosis in all patients and demonstrate knowledge of commonly encountered nephrology problems
  5. Describe basic pathophysiology for common nephrology
  6. Develop skills for effective case presentation and discussion of optimizing medical care for all types of renal diseases
  7. Communicate effectively with patients, family members, nurses, and other staffs
  8. Provide education and counseling to patients, family members, and colleagues
  9. Develop a working knowledge of various care systems and the most appropriate disposition for patients with kidney disease
  10. The trainees need to handle the administrative work and host morning meeting and journal reading
  • 2nd Year of Fellowship

  1. Independently perform the procedures (urine microscopy, temporary catheter placement, renal biopsy) required by the TSN (Taiwan Society of Nephrology)
  2. Efficiently evaluate and manage patients in the inpatient and outpatient settings at the level of a nephrology sub-specialist
  3. Function competently as a nephrology consultant
  4. Coordinate patient care among all members of the healthcare team and demonstrate leadership skills to promote multidisciplinary management
  5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of commonly encountered inpatient and ambulatory nephrology problems
  6. Solidify knowledge base by educating others (medical students, residents, NPs, co-fellows)
  7. Demonstrate in-depth pathophysiology for common and uncommon nephrology conditions
  8. Deliver polished and professional formal presentations on all nephrology issues and renal diseases
  9. Conduct clinical nephrology research with honesty, integrity and protection of patients’ rights
  10. Strive to optimize patient follow-up by effective discharge planning to the nephrology clinic or dialysis unit